

Joint Statement on VAT fraud prevention in the electricity and gas sector

Joint Statement on VAT fraud prevention in the electricity and gas sector Joint statement signed by 9 key EU energy stakeholders (CEER, EACH, EFET, ENTSO-E, ENTSOG, Eurelectric, Eurogas, Europex, LEB...

CEER monitoring report on transaction reporting and detecting market misconduct in wholesale energy markets – Good practice examples from national regulatory authorities

This document is a CEER document on transaction reporting and detecting market misconduct. It describes how some National Regulatory Authorities have put in place processes to detect market misconduct...

CEER monitoring report on transaction reporting and detecting market misconduct in wholesale energy markets – Good practice examples from national regulatory authorities

This document is a CEER document on transaction reporting and detecting market misconduct. It describes how some National Regulatory Authorities have put in place processes to detect market misconduct...
Policy Paper

Advice on the take-off of a demand response electricity market with smart meters

With this Advice, CEER aims at enhancing the implementation of demand response with household customers and small and medium sized businesses. We seek to describe the roles and responsibilities for di...

CEER Vision for a European Gas Target Model. Conclusions Paper

Following a request from the 18th Madrid Forum, European energy regulators committed to produce a vision paper on a conceptual model for European gas markets (the “gas target model”). The conclusi...

CEER Final advice on the Introduction of a Europe-wide Energy Wholesale Trading Passport. A CEER Conclusions Paper

On 19 April 2011, CEER launched a public consultation on the “CEER Draft Advice on the introduction of a Europe-wide energy wholesale trading passport” (C11-WMS-15-04). The current document (C11-W...
Policy Paper

Transparency requirements for natural gas. Summary of responses document

European energy regulators carried out a public consultation on existing transparency requirements for natural gas to gather views on existing legally binding and voluntary transparency requirements,...

Benchmarking Report on the roles and responsibilities of NRAs in customer empowerment and protection as of 1st January 2011

This Benchmarking Report describes the current situation and highlights activities of the NRAs, including their work with the industry, consumer organisations and public authorities. Moreover, it prov...

CEER final advice on the regulatory oversight of energy exchanges. A CEER Conclusions Paper

In their advice European Energy Regulators investigate the organisation and the regulatory oversight of energy exchanges (i.e. the supervision of energy exchanges and the monitoring of trading activit...

Status Review of the Implementation of the GGP on Complaint Handling, Reporting and Classification as of 1 January 2011

This Status Review is a follow-up to the ERGEG Guidelines of Good Practice on Complaint Handling, Reporting and Classification (E10-CEM-33-05) and seeks to establish whether the recommendations that w...

Amendment of the Guidelines of Good Practice for Third Party Access (TPA) for Gas Storage System Operators (GGPSSO): Guidelines for CAM and CMP

This CEER document presents an Amendment of the Guidelines of Good Practice for Third Party Access (TPA) for Storage System Operators (GGPSSO) in gas, regarding the provisions on capacity allocation (...

CEER status review of regulatory approaches to smart electricity grids

This document seeks to follow-up the discussion initiated by European Energy Regulators with the ERGEG public consultation on the "position paper on smart grids" in 2010. It examines the scope and def...

ADR practices: case studies. Update to Annex 2 of GGP on Customer Complaint Handling, Reporting and Classification

CEER document on country cases regarding Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the energy sector. This report is an Update to Annex 2 of ERGEG GGP on Customer Complaint Handling, Reporting and Clas...
Founding Documents & Rules

EC Decision on repealing Decision 2003/796/EC on establishing ERGEG

European Commission decision of 16 May 2011 on repealing Decision 2003/796/EC on establishing the European Regulators Group for Electricity and Gas (ERGEG)

Final Report on a Pilot Project for an Energy Trade Data Reporting Scheme

The project was carried out over a period of six months from July 2010 to January 2011. The work was completed in May 2011 by producing final report. The pilot project sets out to achieve a series of...
Policy Paper

CEER response to the Commission’s consultation “On the Future of VAT – Towards a simpler, more robust and efficient VAT system”

CEER welcomes the possibility to respond to the Commission's consultation on the "Green Paper on the future of VAT - Towards a simpler, more robust and efficient VAT system". CEER is in particular con...

CEER Report on Renewable Energy Support in Europe

This report explores the renewable electricity support schemes currently in place in Member States across Europe. This is considered timely given the timing of implementation of Directives 2009/28/EC...
Policy Paper

CEER response to the European Commission consultation on the “Europe 2020 Project Bond Initiative”

The DG ECFIN consultation on the “Europe 2020 Project Bond Initiative” presents one of the financing mechanisms mentioned in the European Commission´s Energy Infrastructure Communication of Novem...

Final ERGEG study on congestion management procedures & anti-hoarding mechanisms in the European LNG terminals

This ERGEG study focuses on the current CMPs and anti-hoarding mechanisms in Europe, with a special focus on the need for harmonisation and transparency at the EU level....
Policy Paper

ERGEG Review of the process for drafting framework guidelines

European Energy Regulators worked, during the interim period before the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) became operational on 3 March 2011, on the development of draft Framework...
Founding Documents & Rules

Guidelines on CEER Public Consultation Practices

Ref. C07-EP-16-03, 17 March 2011