

CEER Interim Report on changing gas storage usage and effects on security of supply

This interim report examines changing gas storage usage in Europe and effects on security of supply. It presents the results of a CEER questionnaire that was sent to storage users and storage operator...

Status Review on the involvement of consumer organisations in the regulatory process as of 1st January 2013

This document provides thorough insight into working relations between NRAs and consumer organisations. The overall aim of this review is to depict if, how and on which particular issues NRAs and cons...

Status Review on customer access to information on energy costs, sources and energy efficiency schemes

The review illustrates how key information on the cost and sources of energy and of efficiency schemes is made available to final energy customers. Such information includes: the breakdown of cost com...

Status Review of Regulatory Aspects of Smart Metering

This document seeks to review the extent to which Member States and National Regulatory Authorities are applying the recommendations included in the ERGEG document “Final Guidelines of Good Practice...
Policy Paper

CEER Memo on regulatory aspects of energy investment conditions in European countries

This Memo serves as an informative overview of how National Regulatory Authorities undertake their responsibilities in evaluating and developing their respective regulatory frameworks....

Joint Press Release: European electricity & gas sector welcomes adoption of anti-VAT-fraud package by ECOFIN Council

Joint Press Release: European electricity & gas sector welcomes adoption of anti-VAT-fraud package by ECOFIN Council, 21 June 2013...
Policy Paper

CEER Response to European Commission Green Paper “A 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy Policies”

The Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the European Commission Green Paper “A 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy Policies”. The CEER response...
Policy Paper

CEER response to draft THINK report: “From distribution networks to smart distribution systems: Rethinking the regulation of European DSOs”

The Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) welcomes the draft THINK report: “From distribution networks to smart distribution systems: Rethinking the regulation of European DSOs” and their c...
Policy Paper

CEER response to draft THINK report “Shift, not drift: Towards active demand response and beyond”

The Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) welcomes the draft THINK Report "Shift, not drift: Towards active demand response and beyond" in the interest of engaging consumers to participate in d...

CEER Blueprint on incremental gas capacity

This document puts forward clear principles and processes for the identification and allocation of incremental gas capacity. CEER's work on incremental capacity builds from our consultation on Market-...
Policy Paper

CEER position paper on European Commission’s Internal Energy Market Communication (COM/2012/0663)

This paper provides CEER position on the European Commission’s Internal Energy Market Communication (COM/2012/0663), emphasizing topics of relevance to energy regulation. The Annex of this document...
Market Monitoring Report

CEER Status Review on the Transposition of Unbundling Requirements for DSOs and Closed Distribution System Operators

This document presents a review of the status and real implementation of unbundling requirements placed on Distribution System Operators under the EU's Third Energy Package....

Joint Press Release: European electricity & gas sector strongly supports anti-VAT fraud measures proposed by the European Commission and the Irish Council Presidency

Joint press release launched by 9 key EU energy stakeholders (CEER, EACH, EFET, ENTSO-E, ENTSOG, Eurelectric, Eurogas, Europex, LEBA), 25 March 2013...
Annual Report

CEER Status Review and evaluation of access regimes at LNG terminals in the EU

This Status Review presents an assessment of access conditions to LNG terminals in Europe, taking into account recent developments in the EU gas market. Based on data provided by NRAs, CEER analysed t...
Policy Paper

CEER response to European Commission public consultation on generation adequacy, capacity mechanisms and the internal market in electricity

CEER welcomes the opportunity to comment on the European Commission consultation paper on delivering a more coordinated approach to generation adequacy and security of supply in the Internal Electrici...

Guidelines of Good Practice for the implementation and use of voltage quality monitoring for regulatory purposes

In this joint deliverable, CEER and the ECRB have drafted guidelines for national energy regulatory authorities, with the aim of facilitating the establishment and efficient functioning of programmes...

Evaluation of Responses to the public consultation paper on Market-Based Investment Procedures for Gas Infrastructure: Issues and Approaches

This CEER document presents an evaluation of the stakeholder contributions received in response to the CEER Public Consultation on Market-Based Investment Procedures for Gas Infrastructure: Issues and...

5th Benchmarking Report on Electricity Quality of Supply

The 5th Benchmarking Report on the Quality of Electricity Supply provides an in-depth review of continuity of supply, voltage quality and commercial quality. This detailed report analyses data from 27...