
Policy Paper

CEER Memo on REMIT implementation at national level

This Memo provides an overview of how NRAs undertake their responsibilities in the application of REMIT at national level, in particular regarding the implementation of investigation and sanctioning p...
Policy Paper

CEER Memo on the unbundling of TSOs, DSOs and Closed Distribution Systems Operators

Since the publication of the last CEER Status Review on unbundling in 2013 (C12-UR-47-03), CEER has conducted a similar data gathering exercise in order to form the basis for a full update to the prev...
Policy Paper

CEER Response to ESMA public consultation on MiFID II/MiFIR discussion paper

This document provides the CEER response to ESMA public consultation on MiFID II/MiFIR discussion paper. The CEER response relates to part 7 (Commodity derivatives) of the public consultation....
Policy Paper

CEER Memo on Development and Regulation of Electricity Storage Applications

This short memo on “Development and Regulation of Storage Applications” summarises our initial work on this issue and our key findings on: the most prominent storage technologies by...
Policy Paper

CEER Advice on Ensuring Market and Regulatory Arrangements help deliver Demand-Side Flexibility

This paper, together with its companion annexes and consultation document, sets out the background, definitions, opportunities and barriers associated with the emergence of demand-side flexibility (DS...
Policy Paper

CEER Response to EC public consultation on retail markets

CEER welcomes the work of European Commission on energy retail markets and Commission's efforts in seeking stakeholder views to inform future proposals. CEER believes that consumers have...

Bridge to 2025 Executive Summary

Bridge to 2025 Executive Summary...

Bridge to 2025 Evaluation of responses to consultation paper FINAL

Bridge to 2025 Evaluation of responses to consultation paper FINAL...
Annual Report
Policy Paper

CEER Position on the European Commission’s Policy Framework for Climate and Energy 2020-2030

CEER welcomes the European Commission’s Policy Framework and its recognition of the importance of regulatory investment certainty, and the value of coordinated approaches amongst Member States, as k...
Policy Paper

CEER Memo on regulatory aspects of energy investment conditions in European countries

This Memo serves as an update to the previous edition in 2013, which provides an informative overview of how National Regulatory Authorities undertake their responsibilities in evaluating and developi...

CEER Report on the assessment of electricity generation adequacy in European countries

This document provides an overview and key findings in relation to the current national assessments of generation adequacy....

CEER Status Review on Regulatory Approaches to Enabling Smart Grids Solutions

This document seeks to provide an update the 2011 CEER Status Review of Regulatory Approaches to Smart Electricity Grids with an overview of the current regulatory approaches in 2013, by examining the...
Policy Paper

CEER Response to European Commission Consultation on Energy and Environment State Aid Guidelines

CEER is pleased to respond to the European Commission's consultation on energy and environment state aid guidelines and welcomes the opportunity to discuss key issues like energy security, market deve...

CEER Benchmarking Report 5.1 on the Continuity of Electricity Supply

This document seeks to update key data found in the more extensive 5th CEER Benchmarking Report published in 2012. CEER aims to provide such updates annually, in between the more detailed reports, in...
Work Programme

CEER Monitoring Report on Implementation of the Transparency Template in the European LNG Terminals

This document presents CEER’s monitoring of the implementation of the Transparency Template on European LNG terminal websites. In 2012, GLE-CEER launched the LNG Transparency Template, with the obje...

CEER views on the European Commission’s Public Interventions Package: Delivering the internal electricity market and making the most of public intervention

This paper presents regulators views on European Commission guidance regarding state interventions in electricity markets. It highlights key issues which merit further analysis and revie...

CEER Status Review of Renewable and Energy Efficiency Support Schemes in Europe

This document forms the latest update of CEER's reporting on renewable support schemes. The purpose of Status Review publications is to collect comparable data on RES support in Europe in order to pro...
Market Monitoring Report

CEER Interim Report on changing gas storage usage and effects on security of supply

This interim report examines changing gas storage usage in Europe and effects on security of supply. It presents the results of a CEER questionnaire that was sent to storage users and storage operator...

Status Review on the involvement of consumer organisations in the regulatory process as of 1st January 2013

This document provides thorough insight into working relations between NRAs and consumer organisations. The overall aim of this review is to depict if, how and on which particular issues NRAs and cons...