
CEER Paper on DSO Data Exchange Relating to Flexibility and NRAs’ Role

While the use of flexibility services by DSOs is still in its early stages, it can act as an important tool for distribution system operators (DSOs) to efficiently manage their networks. Flexibility related data exchange between DSOs and other parties is thus an essential building block for the use of flexibility.

This CEER paper provides information on the existing flexibility related data exchange involving DSOs. It identifies possible future involvement which also may require NRAs’ attention, while outlining some of the recent and ongoing developments at EU level.

CEER’s assessment reveals that no common standards or generalised practices emerged from the use cases or procedures implemented by DSOs.

From DSOs’ perspective:

  • At this early stage, there are few practices relating to flexibility data handling and flexibility usage by DSOs.
  • Flexibility services are being incorporated in DSO grid planning and operating activities and through small scale pilot projects.
  • Flexibility data exchange imposes challenges on DSOs, in three areas: distribution network operation, market facilitation, and TSO-DSO coordination.
  • DSOs will oversee the integration of flexibility resources in their network operation and planning.

From NRAs’ perspective:

  • Most NRAs are involved in DSO data exchange in some capacity, although the roles and responsibilities are more limited in some cases than others.
  • The ongoing legislative changes at the EU level may mean more involvement of NRAs with DSO data exchange.

NRAs will need to monitor data exchange and report on DSOs’ performance through a set of smart grid indicators.