10:00 - 11:35

Stakeholder Forum Online

This event will be an occasion to present in detail the newly published CEER policy strategy for 2022-2025 and the draft Work Programme for 2022 based on the strategy.

The objective is to provide an opportunity to exchange ideas and receive feedback on CEER's work planned in 2022. Apart from CEER speakers, several stakeholders have accepted CEER's invitation to provide their reactions on the priorities proposed for next year. They are Mr Dimitri Vergne, Acting Team Leader, Energy, at European consumer organisation BEUC; Ms Carmen Gimeno, Secretary General at DSO association GEODE; and Mr Mark Copley, CEO at the European Federation of Energy Traders. The detailed agenda is found below.

CEER is currently consulting on the draft 2022 Work Programme and invites all stakeholders to provide their written feedback via a dedicated survey.