Budapest, Hungary
14.06.2018 - 15.06.2018

7th Eastern Partnership Workshop

The theme of this year's WS is Security of supply and solidarity.

Objective of the WS
Security of energy supply and solidarity is not only an integral part of the Energy Union, but also a top concern of Energy Community and Eastern Partnership countries. Energy supplies are exposed to risks that include disruption from imports, extreme weather events, industrial hazards, hybrid threats and changes in global political scene. By working together to prevent and to manage potential crises, countries can make their energy system more resilient. This is both true for the gas and the electricity sector.
Solidarity and regional cooperation are therefore playing a crucial role in shaping future energy systems.
Strengthening emergency and solidarity mechanisms, increasing energy efficiency, diversifying supplier countries and routes as well as building missing infrastructure links and maintaining existing ones to be able to quickly respond to supply disruptions are several of many long-term measures that are needed to build resilient energy markets.
In the framework of the Eastern Partnership workshop we will assess the concept of solidarity and will place the emphasis on measures necessary to ensure energy security.