EU4Energy Annual Regional Visibility Campaign 2022

Renewable Energy Investment Conference

The first Renewable Energy Investment Conference was held from 26-28 October 2022 in Tbilisi, Georgia and brought together policymakers, regulators, consultants, financers and other experts active in green energy investments. 

The aim of the event was to catalyse investments for the acceleration of the clean energy transition to help achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. Participants discussed renewable energy policies in the European Union and worldwide, gained knowledge about the renewable energy investment climate in different countries, and presented potential renewable energy investment projects to investors.  

Download the press release Download the 2022 Investors’ Guide  

The Conference was co-organised by CEER, on behalf of the EU4Energy Programme, the Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA) and the Georgian National Energy and Water Supply Regulatory Commission (GNERC) in partnership with Energy Community and the International Energy Agency (IEA). 

Autumn Digital EU4Energy Week for EaP Universities 2022
EU4Energy Programme held its 2022 Autumn Digital week from 3-7 October, with the aim of facilitating experience and knowledge sharing among students from Eastern Partnership (EaP) Universities, and EU4Energy experts from CEER, the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Energy Community Secretariat (EnCS), and EU4Climate. The course covered energy and regulatory issues such as consumer empowerment, the European Clean Energy Package, energy poverty and energy vulnerability, and the role of statistics in assessing government policy success.

Approximately 70 students from ten universities and five EaP countries participated in the event. 

EU4Energy were also joined this year by EU4Climate Programme, delivering a session focused on the Nationally Determined Contributions directed towards the decrease of countries’ national emissions and adaptation to the impacts of climate change

The Digital EU4Energy week also consisted of a competition on the topics covered. The highest-scoring student David Baghdasaryan (pictured left) from the American University of Armenia will attend a CEER training course for energy professionals in Brussels in 2023, to strengthen his knowledge and meet experts in the field. The second place was taken by Kristina Ghahramanyan (pictured right) also from the American University of Armenia. She will participate in the Renewable Energy Investment Conference on 26-28 October 2022 in Tbilisi, Georgia.

Download the press release

EU4Energy campaign on energy efficiency for children

When they discover an old cabin in the woods, Ozzy the Hamster and his four friends meet Professor Slate, a scientist who demonstrates to them the negative impact of wasteful energy practices and teaches them alternative methods of generating energy. Back in their hometown, the children and their pet decide to spread good energy saving practices in order to avoid inflicting terrible damage to the environment and heal the earth.

This is the plot of “Light Bulb“, an informative comic book on energy efficiency and energy saving measures that is being launched in the framework of the EU4Energy project in collaboration with EUNeighbours East. The book aims to raise the younger generations’ awareness and understanding about the clean energy transition and includes practical tips to help children save energy. 

The comic book has been produced in six languages and is being distributed at local schools across the Eastern Partnership countries as extracurricular reading material for school children. Schools will also receive a printable version for further use.

To complement the comic book, EUNeighbours East is launching a social media campaign featuring Ozzy the Hamster, including videos, quizzes and stories. 

Energy efficiency campaign photos

Campaigners distribute “Light Bulb” to students in a school in Tbilisi, Georgia, May 2022. Photos ©European Union

Download your high-resolution copy of the “Light Bulb” comic book:

Download your high-resolution copy of the “Light Bulb” comic book: