Dynamic regulation

In the continuity of the Bridge to 2025 Conclusions Paper, CEER decided in 2018 to re-assess how to address the challenges that energy regulators are facing, particularly in the context of energy transition, by publicly consulting on a forward-looking draft 3-year strategy (the “3D strategy” ) and draft proposals for the 2019 Work Programme, the first year of implementation of the 3D strategy.

In the continuity of the Bridge to 2025 Conclusions Paper, CEER decided in 2018 to re-assess how to address the challenges that energy regulators are facing, particularly in the context of energy transition, by publicly consulting on a forward-looking draft 3-year strategy (the “3D strategy” ) and draft proposals for the 2019 Work Programme, the first year of implementation of the 3D strategy.

The core elements of CEER’s 3D strategy are Digitalisation in the consumer interest, Decarbonisation at least cost and Dynamic regulation for European solutions for adaptive regulation in a fast-changing world. Each of the “Ds” should be considered in conjunction with the two others. In CEER’s view, Dynamic regulation might notably be an efficient tool for decarbonisation and digitalisation that is capable of driving growth and innovation within the energy system. 

The main sectors where Dynamic regulation tools have been implemented are the tariff structure, the price or revenue controls, and smart metering. The following tools of Dynamic regulation are commonly used to implement the projects:

  • Regulatory sandboxes
  • “Classic regulation tools” such as incentive regulation and interconnection issues for islands not yet interconnected to mainland.
  • Widening and innovating the participation/consultation of market participants in the process.
  • Pilot projects, Pilot regulations and regulatory experiments.

Following examples of regulatory sandboxes and related experiments have been put in place in various countries: 



Austria Setting the functional requirements of smart meters in ordinances.
France Selection of market participants to test innovative products or services with adapted regulatory requirements.
Germany Digital Agenda for the Energy Transition (SINTEG)
Italy The pilot regulation on flexibility services (UVAM) and Regulatory experiments of Distribution System Operators (DSOs)
Lithuania Introduction of The Energy Innovation Pilot Environment.
The Netherlands Launching a regulatory sandbox to allow communities and home owner associations to apply for legal exemptions.
UK Launching an Innovation Sandbox Service.

Reflecting the experience of the recent pandemic with its massive changes in all areas of life, CEER is designing its new strategy which also includes a further development of Dynamic regulation.

External documents 

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If you have any questions,
please send an e-mail to: slobodan.vidovic@bnetza.de