Public Consultation

CEER Consultation on Dynamic Regulation to Enable Digitalisation of the Energy System

This CEER consultation paper on Dynamic Regulation to Enable Digitalisation of the Energy System elaborates on the implications of digitalisation for the energy sector and for consumers in particular. It considers the changes that may be needed to empower and unlock the benefits of digitalisation for consumers and to protect them against the risks.

CEER seeks input to help prioritise the related actions that energy regulators can take over the course of its 3-year strategy.


The CEER Conclusions Paper on Dynamic Regulation to Enable Digitalisation of the Energy System can be found here. Please note that only answers submitted via the online questionnaire will be taken into consideration.

A pdf export of the questionnaire can be found here, please note that this document is for information only.

The deadline for responses is Tuesday 14 May 2019.

Important: No special login is needed to fill in the questionnaire.

For any technical questions regarding the online questionnaire, please contact