Public Consultation

Public Consultation on Guidelines of Good Practice on Price Comparison Tools

CEER is seeking feedback on the ongoing update of its guidelines of good practice on comparison tools. The purpose of the consultation paper is to present a preliminary review of the Guidelines of Good Practices (GGP) on Price Comparison Tools initially published by CEER in July 2012 and updated in 2017. In this public consultation, CEER presents its updated/new 20 recommendations. The updates take into account the adoption and entry into force of the recast Electricity Directive 2019/944, which includes specific provisions regarding comparison tools, as well as the continuing technological and market evolution of the energy sector.
In line with its public consultation practices, the responses received will be discussed within CEER and if feasible taken into account to enhance the final guidelines of good practice.
How to respond?
This public consultation was carried out through a dedicated online questionnaire. No login is required.
We have extended deadline until Friday 25 February 2022!
If you have any queries relating to this consultation, please contact the CEER Secretariat: tel. +32 (0) 2788 73 30 or Email: